Save MoneyFrom free membership to "repair insurance" for your 2006 and older car, the membership dues prices- and savings at different levels are listed below.
The home page talks a bit more about each item. |
Free Membership
Local Yokel $10 a month
Shade Tree $15 a month
Road Service AreaThe free Road Service that comes with the paid memberships covers the Great Bridge, Greenbrier and Hickory areas as noted on the map. That's most of our customers. Depending on the situation, we may can fudge on that range limit, we're here to help.
Other ways to save...
Repair "insurance" plans. It's more of a Budget Savings Plan...
A deeper Frugal Ride membership, where this part of your membership dues help pay for even more deeply discounted repairs and maintenance. There are no limitations on what types of repairs or Preventative Maintenance (PM) are covered.
- You get all of the budget plan payments (below) back, to pay toward future needs, at a deeply discounted rate.
- A shared spreadsheet is kept online so you can see it any time, or you can call the shop to see what your Budget Account balance is.
- These are add-ons, the cost and benefits are in addition to the base membership fees and benefits at the top of the page.
$50 Whitetail Budget Plan
$80 Elk Budget Plan
$110 Moose Budget Plan
- The multiple Budget Plan payments that you've paid in as a Deer Budgeteer are applied towards the discounted cost of the repairs. *** IMPORTANT- To encourage responsibility, prevent abuse and manage expectations, the 5% to 15% additional discount off repairs and maintenance for the Budget Savings Plans starts after 3 consecutive months of contributing to your lay-away plan.*** But of course, you can use the savings in the account before that. And you still get the membership discount applied.
- If you don't have enough saved in the budget account, we will even chip in another 10% on top of what you have saved in your budget account, to help with those bad surprises! (If you have $200 saved but the repair bill is more than that, we add 10% or $20 to your budget account.)
- To clarify, the budget account does not build up funds from the base membership fees described at the top of this page. You only get back what you budget into it from one of these Deer plans at the bottom. The base memberships are a non-refundable fee. It is the The different level deer budget payments that go toward repairs AND get deeper discounts!
- Multiple older cars can be covered with the base memberships and budget plans. Each additional older car/truck adds half of the that Deer plan's amount. So $25 a month more per extra car is budgeted for you to pay into savings for the Whitetail Plan. .
Why are we doing all this? It's obviously not as profitable for us as just getting paid normally for repair work. We started the club because life is hard and we all need to start caring about each other, and this is a start.
Click Here to view the spreadsheet calculator pictured below, one that you can use to see the details and if you download it you can play with the options by entering the changes into the yellow fields on your file copy that you download, if you are familiar with spreadsheets. Or we can go over all the options with you on the phone or in person.
To download the spreadsheet, after clicking to go to the Google Doc link, go to the file menu at the top/then download/ and select the type of file you want to download. If you prefer an Open Source, LibreOffice .ods file, click here.